The last journey, a homage to a lifetime. A group of artists accompanies one of its members, a brother or sister, a loved one, a presence, on his/her last journey. The essence of everything they shared is still alive, his/its spirit remains within every gesture they make.

A journey in search of a place to start all over again, together and in harmony.

To pay a tribute to death as a tribute to life. Beyond life, remains the memory.

Idea, playwriting and direction:
Leandro Mendoza Artagaveitia

Assistant director:
Joan Arqué

Asvin López Echarri
Iara Gueller
Irene Estradé Niubó
Joel Martí Melero
Miguel Ángel Fernández
(Tinga Tinga)
Miguel García
Tanja Haupt
Verónica Marín

Music conductor:
Nacho López

Set design:
Leandro Mendoza Artagaveitia


Costume design: 
Mariel Soria

Choreography coaching:
Fàtima Campos
Mònica Alsina

Cast coaching:
Piero Steiner

Laia Alzueta
Gebra Serra

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