A circus performance using natural fibre converted into as circus elements and structures.

A trick of fate leaves an international circus company stranded on the equator of the world. It is here that they come into contact with the montubios, a group of friendly inhabitants / locals who live in the bamboo groves that surround them.

This unexpected experience of living together in this new environment will completely change  the way they conceive performance, research, dialogue and love into a more sustainable and harmonious one (change “one’)

Thus, an old new utopian rural circus is born, the Guadual circus, with its artists performing and moving as if they were animals in the rainforest.

Priscila Aguilera
Jordy Burgos
Luis Miguel Cajiao
Jose Cuenca Torres
Marcel Ferrer
Alexander Gómez
Jorge Luis Hidalgo Gavilánes
Byron Antonio Malquin Castillo
Margarita Mawyin Koriakova
Christian Sarue Padilla
Mario Sánchez Ayala

Playwriting and Direction:
Leandro Mendoza Artagaveitia

Chia Patiño/ Marcel Ferrer /Jordy Burgos

Design and set:
Ulrich Weigel

Movement and bamboo:
Poema Mühlenberg

Costume design:
Alex Fonseca

Javier Aguirre/ Ulrich Weigel

Alejandro Gallegos

Assistant director:
David Saavedra

Cristian Canelos/ Alex Fonseca

Photography and Graphics:
Paul Torres

Managing production:
Denisse Melgarejo

Teatro Sanchez Aguilar

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